3 wolves carved into a rock Alyeska | Anyuysk | Chief | Chilly | Crazy | Czar | Itsacleena | King | Kobuk | Mini | Nikita | Nya | Odin | Quasimodo | Rajah | Timbre | Wily | Yukon

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Pictured to the left from left to right; Odin, Mini, Nikita, Alyeska.Most of these dogs in these images, have experienced many activities.

Meet the Wolfdogg.org Home Team of dogs. Click on one of the team links above to learn about the dogs.

The Bloodlines Take A Shift

Mini had been really eager to breed over the years past, and was finally allowed to have a litter. It was the first litter of the kennels in several years. Tanana(f), Yanik(m), Yakut(m), and 2 no-name(m). The pups were born on 6-14-2008 and were Mini's 3rd litter. Her first litter pups that were kept are Wily and Chilly.

Sadly, there will be no more F1 litters. Prior to her latest litter, two of Mini's F1 generation's were born back in 1998, and 1999. Its extraordinarily hard to let the interactions of these wonderful companions reside only in memory. Tears come to the eyes as the F1 generation's time moves on.

The stock has worn thin. Currently Tanana is our only breeding female. She may be chosen to bring the F2 generation bloodlines another 9 years down the road where they will then, in-turn, become the F3 generation. Or we may use Wily or Chilly to stud out to incorporate a new bloodline. We might be aiming to acquire an extended family member of the Arctiv-Luv Alaskan Malamute for the new line as they have been so wonderful to work with, and nothing but the best family members and sweet dispositions.

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Creative Commons License
This work by Brian Lamb is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at bleedingedgewebsites.com.