3 wolves carved into a rock Alyeska | Anyuysk | Chief | Chilly | Crazy | Czar | Itsacleena | King | Kobuk | Mini | Nikita | Nya | Odin | Quasimodo | Rajah | Timbre | Wily | Yukon

A sunny day after dinner


Her pack position was "Team Dog". When pulling she ran in the "Lead Dog" position. Around people she was scarcely timid and was extremely friendly. Towards dogs she was somewhat passive. Her howling qualities were loud, confident, deep, participater, squealish, songish, needs other members in full swing.


Timbre is very unique. She clings to humans whenever around. She will wait at the back of the line to get attention until the end of time. She will always be right by your side, and can sometimes be a silent still bear always next to your leg. She thrives on attention. She has the most beautiful eyes. She loves company. She also makes a good aunt when her sisters and brothers bear pups.


Always tries to come in the house. She will stand right next to the door, and ask to come in by aiming nose first once the door is opened, but will not become pushy which causes a real guilty feeling if you don't let her in once in a while. Loves to bark at birds, and is steadfast at protesting at squirrels and other animals. She has a thing for kids on bicycles, and always has to chase them and bark at them. Timbre is a porch hogger, and a food horde as well which is why she is such a healthy-big dog.


Passive, easy going, lovable, snaps at other dogs when they persist, people friendly.

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This work by Brian Lamb is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at bleedingedgewebsites.com.