3 wolves carved into a rock Alyeska | Anyuysk | Chief | Chilly | Crazy | Czar | Itsacleena | King | Kobuk | Mini | Nikita | Nya | Odin | Quasimodo | Rajah | Timbre | Wily | Yukon



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wolfdogg Czar was a rescued. He was a really gentle docile sweetheart who was abused by a former owner. Once I took him in, some of the boys were a little mean to him, but I treated him gently. There were times when the dogs would get out of hand,and this boy chewed up several fence boards. This led him to needed to be leashed up for a while, he didnt take too kindly to that. He still chewed up more fence boards, and because depressed. I had to beg another rescue kennel to take him off my hands because he started the protest to not eat. I fear the worst for this gentle soul, and thought he was a superb husky who got less than he deserved in life. Bless his heart. I hope the home he went to was a good home for him. You are missed, Czar! Your a good boy!
2018-04-20 00:23:36
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This work by Brian Lamb is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at bleedingedgewebsites.com.